Listings in Blackburn

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Blackburn

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Added 9 days ago


40k, old-world, kill team, Blood Bowl and Bolt Action

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Added 18 days ago

Gecko Games Club

My name is Alan Scholes and I'm the founder of Gecko Games Club, which has been running for about 10 years! This is a family-based group, we welcome all and mainly play board games of new and old but have recently started up again, D&D with our newly named Gecko Pete as DM.

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Icon of a D20

ELWA: East Lancashire Wargames Association

The Wargames Club is a society for those who are into tabletop gaming. Our mission is to provide a fun environment in which members can enjoy their favorite warfare-themed pastime. The Wargames Club seeks to build a friendly community for lovers of tabletop warfare games. Our goal is to create a pleasant atmosphere in which members can have a fruitful and enjoyable experience with their preferred battle-focused hobby.

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See also