Listings in Lancaster
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Lancaster

Often play board games at local board game cafes and participate in a local club, looking for more that are available as i have plenty of free time
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The doors will be open on Wednesday evening from 6 to 10 to welcome players of all kinds, be they into roleplaying, board games or collectible card games.
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Based in North-West England in Lancaster and Morecambe, UK, Lancaster and Morecambe Boardgamers regularly host events. Wednesday events are held at Morecambe Library with a fee of two pounds per head, and participants are allowed to bring food and drinks. On Thursdays and Sundays, they meet at a pub in Lancaster from 6:30 PM to midnight, free of charge. Attending does not require bringing any games, although participants are welcome to bring them along.
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Senet: Lancaster University's Board Game Society
Lancaster University's Card and Board Games Society holds meetings on Mondays at 6pm in Bowland North SR 6. Here, participants can play a variety of titles, such as Settlers of Catan, Dominion, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, 7 Wonders, Pandemic, Magic: the Gathering, and more, as members often bring their own games.
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South Central PA Salsa Meetup Group
LoidaBecome a member ¡Saludamos a nuestro Grupo de Reunión Salsa de S. Central, PA! Somos el primer y más grande Grupo de Reunión de Salsa en el Centro de Pensilvania. Estamos comprometidos con crear una comunidad de baile de Salsa en toda la región. ¡Comparte con tus amigos y visita nuestra página en conocer acerca de nuestros próximos eventos! Tenemos 1,485 miembros actualmente. ¡Ven y únete a nosotros!
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