Listings in Wokingham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Wokingham

Simon Alexander
I played D&D as a teenager and really loved it. I’m just getting to grips with the new rules and would love to join or even set up a brand new group to recapture the magic. I'm happy to play and I love to DM. I enjoy character-based D&D, where we can really develop the story. Is anyone up for it?
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Looking for a group that cherishes the character development and the story. Haven't had a chance to play much in the last couple of years.
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I'm a young adult looking for something to do on my weekends even if it is once a month, I'd like to take part in a dnd campaign in wokingham. I had a few ideas so far for campaigns but I wouldn't like to be the dungeon master. I love the idea of playing druid or a magical class and using a rapier as a weapon. Some of my ideas for campaigns if anyone is interested in running them : a disney campaign with a twist where disney characters all live in a post apocalyptic world and all of them have a twist or a campaign where after killing certain monsters the whole team takes a break to cook (real life) what we just gathered.
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I enjoy worker placement, engine building, resource management games such as Rajas of the Ganges, Everdell, fantastic factories, cosmocotopus, Splendor but give most games a try. Looking for local boardgame groups / boardgamers
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Played lots of 2e, WoD, Shadowrun in my teens in the 90s. Now in middle age I have recently restarted running a 5e Forgotten Realms campaign with my two adult kids. I'm inexperienced DM-ing the 5e system but loving it so far! There are lots of ways to play D&D depending on emphasis, from a quite rules-heavy strategy game to a free-flowing fantasy story with occasional rules checks - I'm probably more at the latter end. Open to playing or DM-ing something or just getting to know some friendly local RPG folk.
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I have no formal experience beyond computer games. I'm looking to start. I'm free Mon, Tue and Thursday evenings.
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Played rpg many years ago ( played the original white box D and D!) I am recently retired and looking to get back into Call of Cthulhu Runequest or D and D.
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Been playing various RPGs since the 90s. DnD, Shadowrun, Cthulhu, Firefly, Alien, All Flesh Must be Eaten... open to anything really. I am in a group of 35+ players, and we meet in Wokingham every second Sunday
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