Listings in Bracknell

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Bracknell

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Never played DND before but looking to get into it, I've played a lot of baldurs gate recently so wanna try out the real thing.

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Gamesmaster running a Fate game re-tooled to fit a neo-Victorian cyberpunk setting. Have two current Players with characters and looking for possible third and forth. Have just started new campaign. If using Facebook I can add you to the Victorianeo group to get a sense of the atmosphere, but the story is under wraps! Central Bracknell.

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I'm a 5e DM with 3 years of experience - not currently looking for a new game, but considering starting one.

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Used to play D&D 2nd edition 40 years ago when I was 13/14, looking to get back into that specifically as I have fond (albeit faded) memories of those times. I also play some other board games a little just with family, Carcassonne, Pandemic, etc.

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Bracknell and District Wargames

We'll get together each month on Sundays, starting at 9:30 and usually wrapping up around 5:30. Check the website for exact dates. We'll be playing a variety of RPGs, from the traditional to the wild and zany, as well as anything from fantasy settings to science fiction.

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Warfield Board Gamers

A gaming club in Bracknell, Berkshire, located at the Bracknell Methodist Church Hall, welcomes new members to play various types of games. The first two months of attendance are only £2.00, with a charge of £3.00 for each night after that. Club nights consist of Wednesdays being mainly Board Games, Fridays focusing on Magic the Gathering, Saturdays dedicated to RPGs, and Sundays a combination of MtG, RPGs, and Board Games.

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Warfield Board Gamers

Every week, folks from Bracknell, Berkshire, gather for a board game night. There's an assortment of games to choose from, so no matter your preferred game type - classic, modern, Euro-style or Ameritrash - there's something for everyone.

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See also