Listings in Berkshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Berkshire

All listings in Berkshire

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Added 19 days ago

Reece (Maidenhead)

Looking to get in to DnD

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Gunnvar (Slough)

Have experience with D&D, Pathfinder, Candela Obscura, Call of Cthulhu. Just moved back after a long period overseas. Looking to make new friends and roll some dice. 40/F. Open to new and old rulesets. I consider myself a social player aiming for all at the table to have fun.

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Wyatthaplo (Windsor)

DM'd a 3 session Pathfinder 1e game about ten years ago. Thats about it for my experience. So yeah basically none. Looking to play any ttrpg, mainly fantasy ones, with some cool people and be a bit more social in my life really. 40 years old.

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Tom96 (Reading)

Tabletop gamer looking to get back into Dungeons & Dragons. Hoping to find a group in Oxford or Reading for regular meets.

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jord2802 (Bracknell)

Ive played 2 games of D&D 5TH edition Ive dmed a very simple version for my friends and would like to play more i love making new characters maybe too much as i have alot of characters and need games to play im also interested in trying other games sci fi witcher and dragon age if possible.

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ChaosImp (Slough)

Looking for gamers in the Slough/Windsor/Maidenhead area, we are currently using the Castles and Crusades ruleset ( similar to a mix of 3rd and 1st edition).

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Ashley (Slough)

Hiya! Twenty year old post uni trans girl looking to play some form of TTGs again, I mostly played online during lockdown but now between working and training I want a hobby to pick up again.

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G (Slough)

New to ttrpg

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Mark (Reading)

Father of three, married, family guy in Emmer Green, working in London. Played a number of TTRPG’s, WFRP, CoC, GURPs etc. as a kid and in my early twenties. All of it was a while ago but I’ve kept collecting games books and never thrown away the dice! Feel like I’ll be very rusty and inexperienced, but would love to join a friendly group have a go again.

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Daniel (Sandhurst)

Middle aged, enjoys Warcry, and collects dwarfs for Warhammer. Not the best player as haven't had to chance to play properly for a while. Always interested in new games. Also used to play DnD, Vampire Masquerade etc, and would love to play again. Enjoys HeroQuest

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Simon Alexander (Wokingham)

I played D&D as a teenager and really loved it. I’m just getting to grips with the new rules and would love to join or even set up a brand new group to recapture the magic. I'm happy to play and I love to DM. I enjoy character-based D&D, where we can really develop the story. Is anyone up for it?

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Shadowsun115 (Slough)

Experienced Dnd player looking to start a new game or join one, not fussed.

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James (Windsor)

DM'd a 3 session Pathfinder 1e game about ten years ago. Thats about it for my experience. So yeah basically none. Looking to play any ttrpg, mainly fantasy ones, with some cool people and be a bit more social in my life really. 40 years old.

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Andrew (Slough)

Long time player/DM of D&D, various editions. Interested in finding face to face gaming groups. Also interested in board gaming.

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Brompton (Slough)

Dnd 5e

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Lars (Wokingham)

Looking for a group that cherishes the character development and the story. Haven't had a chance to play much in the last couple of years.

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Damien (Slough)

Im 18 years old and would like to find people around my age to play dnd with, I'm admittedly inexperienced after not playing for a few years aside from Baldurs Gate so I’d need a more experienced group willing to be patient.

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Owellyn (Newbury)

Currently play D&D remotely with friends. I have a vast collection of board games and it's hard to find time to find people to play with. I'm looking to see what is about, looking to expand my connections in this area. Happy to play RPG's or boardgames.

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ZeroK9 (Bracknell)

Looking for a dnd group to join, haven’t played before but played other TTRPGs looking for a friendly community to learn

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Nathan (Bracknell)

Myself and a couple of friends looking for some more people to enjoy ttrpgs and board games with.

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