Listings in Ilkeston
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Ilkeston

I love board and card games, and have some experience playing dnd 5e rules. Looking for a board game group to join.
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Hello there, So I'm new to the world of d and d and would love to learn how to play properly. I am currently working on a club at the nursery where i work with the holiday club and after schoolers. I am working on the idea of starting a dungeons and dragons club for adults of all abilities that can be held at nursery, is there anyone out there from Total newbie like myself to played loads or dungeon masters that may be interested in this. I am thinking games,coffee and social space for people who love the dnd universe. Get in touch :)
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I'm new to d n d, I'm currently running a nerd club in a nursery where we play warhammer and I'm introducing them to dnd and have been doing child friendly rpgs. I really want to play dn d myself even warhammer so I can run bigger campaigns. I'm very much a newbie so need a newbie friendly group :)
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I'm fairly new to D&D, I started getting into it through Critical Role and Dimension 20, so I'm new but keen! :)
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