Listings in Derby

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Derby

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Added 11 days ago


Hi, I'm recently new to D&D, as in, the last month or so. I haven't been to any games or run any games as a DM, however I've caught somewhat of the bug. Looking at running my own games at some point, however, I'd love to join some other groups to see how things run and get a feel for everything (plus put my anxious mind to rest). I work shifts through the day and night, so there should be at least one date I can make a week. Genuinely interested and will happily reply to whoever messages. I'm 33, incredibly laid back and looking for a good laugh. Regards, Andy

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Added 21 days ago


Hey, I'm just a queer looking for a quest! Looking to play some 5e as a player after running a few one-shots as a DM. Dying to find some like minded, fun people to welcome me to their campaign!

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Added 25 days ago


Hi Ive been DMing a 5e campaign for the last year or so, but ive been getting that itch to play, Would love to meet some new folks and tell a good story :)

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Hi all! I've been the forever DM playing 5e for about 10 years now but my group are all married/have kids/have puppies they are training now so I'm looking for a new group to join as a player (I'm getting too old and tired to DM lmao)

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Hi 👋 fellow TTRPG players. I am looking to try find a group to play with either as player or DM. I have about a decade of DND5e experience (however I'm definitely used to all the rules from old 5e), and about 5 years of other systems. I am a forever DM (which isn't a big issue for me, I enjoy telling/creating stories with players) and have most recently been interested in other game systems than DND, specifically ones that are more storytelling or collaborative. My current favourite game is Ironsworn/Starforged, but I have played lots of systems at this point that have all been fun. I am looking for either a series of oneshots/short campaigns in different systems/rotating DM's or for a longer campaign. I would be happy to run these as well as be a player. If any of that is off interest please get in contact, I am mostly on Discord but can also do other forms such as WhatsApp.

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im new to dnd and want to play and make friends

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Hi, I am a lover of most boardgames and card games. My favourite games include: Everdell, Wingspan, Flamecraft. I've played DnD a few times a would like to explore that more. Card games Crib and Canasta

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Age 50 Like playing any type of cards games

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Hi i am shayn i am from derby i am 28 years old

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