Listings in Buxton
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Buxton

Added 25 days ago
I am a 26 year old male with experience playing DnD 5e by the rules and with home-brew. My favourite class to play is sorcerer playing the role of utility and dps though I am happy to play different roles too. I am looking to play 5e as a player in person ideally in Buxton or Congleton but I am able to travel if its near
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New(ish) player - started a couple of campaigns which never went anywhere. Looking for friendly local DnD group/game to join.
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50 years old, used to do a lot of RPG gaming, then life got in the way, D&D-type stuff, would love to get back into it now the kids are a bit bigger, work is a bit calmer and we are moving to Buxton.
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