Listings in Warwick
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Warwick

Looking to start playing DnD. Brand new to it all having never played a ttrpg. Would love to find a group or any events locally to try it out.
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Looking to play D and D locally, been getting in to it more recently but haven’t yet found a local group
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I'm a relatively new player to 5e I have participated in a couple of one shots. I have also ranrun a small campaign for family! Just looking to carry on my newfound interest in DnD preferably as a player.
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about getting involved in tabletop RPGs for the first time, so they'd like some advice. Hi everyone, I'm new to tabletop RPGs and I'm interested in playing a Star Wars or other sci-fi RPG in Warwickshire. Does anyone have any advice for me on where to start and what I should be aware of as a beginner to this hobby?
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Palmer D
Hi all, I'm an experienced TTRPG player looking for a gaming club in Warwickshire, does anyone know of any?
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Mario C
to join as it's their first time Hi everyone, I'm just getting into the game and I'm looking for a D&D game in or near Warwick. Any recommendations or advice for a first-timer would be greatly appreciated!
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