Listings in Nuneaton

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Nuneaton

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I am a gay male who is looking to play LGBTQ+ friendly DND games.

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I'm a very outgoing, friendly person who has played abit of D&D before but want to start it up again.

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Hi all, really want to get into a regular dnd5e campaign I am part of one that does not meet regularly so would like one that is regular Thanks

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Heyooo, looking to play some dnd! Prefably play but as a character but I can try dming if needed :D. Hmu if interested woo

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Looking to play DnD 5e, I've played in a couple of short-lived campaigns before and I'm getting the itch again. LGBTQ+ friendly if you please.

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Hello! I'm 33, and I'm into board games, tabletop games, and curious about wargaming (specifically Armada). I've run D&D/Genesys/Star Wars games for friends and family for many years, but had to move to Warwickshire and would love to get in touch with some local people to play tabletop RPGs or board games. Especially enjoy co-op board games and big event games (Twilight Imperium).

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I’m 33 and I currently play a weekly online DnD campaign. I love co-op board games as well and am looking for local in person groups to join so I can meet new people!

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See also