Listings in Tamworth
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Tamworth
Tamworth and Lichfield Gamers
This weekly meetup is for anyone who wants to play games. We play board games, card games, tile and dice games. The games are strategic but fun :) Examples are Ticket To Ride, Carcassonne and Dominion New players are always welcome. If you cannot make the start time then just roll up when you can. We play a few games each evening. It's great fun learning a new game :) Locations are announced weekly at venues in Lichfield city centre and Tamworth town centre.
Sign in to contactGoblin
M33. Not really D&D player, because I can't come up with a player story and all the stuff, that requires imagination, but I do enjoy ttrpg, survival and army vs army games. Would like to find some company for those.
Sign in to contactNicola Wilkins
Myself and my son, 13, trying to get them friends and meeting people. He is interested in learning new games.
Sign in to contactIronphreak
Been a forever DM for a couple of groups using D&D 5E, looking to be a player in a campaign
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