Listings in Newcastle (Staffordshire)

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Newcastle (Staffordshire)

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Added 1 day ago

Ken S

Never played before. Looking for Michael Moorcock themed (or similar) group/game. I’m an older fellow with a background in creative arts & production - but don’t hold it against me!

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I’ve been playing D&D for a few years now and have been involved in a few campaigns. However, these have fizzled out due to work constraints, etc. looking for a group for a long campaign. Looking for a good DM and a good story to get invested in.

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I am a lifetime gamer and DM. I am currently playing D&D 5e, but I am happy to play any system. I have run basic D&D, AD&D, WHFRP, RIFTS/Palladium, White Wolf, and Shadowrun. I enjoy investigative and dungeon crawlers just not good at political/social-based games. I work a 3-week rota early, late, and weekend but I am happy to drop in and out if needed.

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