Listings in Cannock
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Cannock
Hey! I’m Daniel, myself and my partner Amber are both into dnd however don’t get to play all that much due to other party member other commitments, we have both been players for around a year but I would be willing to give being a DM a go! If this would be something your interested in, we’re both very humble people and would be willing to travel
Sign in to contactHamster
Long time away from RPGs and (relatively) recently back onnyhe scene. More interested in sword and sorcery type rpgs than more modern settings, although happy to play either with a good GM
Sign in to contactThe Games Club Cannock
We are an inviting roleplaying and gaming club that plays different Roleplaying, CCG, and Tabletop Wargaming systems. Folks into board gaming are also welcome. We even provide a snack shop for those who need something to nibble on!
Sign in to contactHednesford Gamers
People from Hednesford, Staffordshire, England are gathering together for various activities. Tom and Elly will be running a roleplaying session, Matt and Kel are hosting a boardgaming event, and Games Club Cannock is offering a variety of activities.
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