Listings in Lichfield
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Lichfield
Looking to join a D&D group. I'm a complete beginner but would love to learn
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A long time RPG fan from D&D to Cthulhu and so many others. Been playing and running games since the 90's. Have a roll20 group with my friends but looking for a local group to perhaps join for some more fun.
Sign in to contactRichard
Played since ad&d 2nd edition but not played in a while. Have played 5e, pathfinder, call of cthulhu.
Sign in to contactLichfield Gamers And RPG
Are you looking for a fun, exciting time? Join our board game and RPG group! Held every Monday at the back of the Duke of York, starting at 7 PM, you'll find people playing a variety of games. Don't own a board game? That's ok, come by anyway! We'll figure out the game we play depending on the amount of people and the games that were brought. There's no charge. Keep in touch with us on our Facebook page!
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