Listings in Southampton
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Southampton

Love D&D been playing for almost a year (all home brews) and WOW THE WORLD OF IMAGINATION IS AWESOME
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TTRP on and off for some years. I prefer the classic games ad&d (2nd), cyberpunk 2020. Looking for friendly game. Cannot host though. If need be i can dm, but im tbe best at it.
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Stray + Bear
A couple based in Itchen who have been playing 5e for 10 years, currently near the end of a campaign and looking for players / new players we prefer in person DnD and can host. Stray = Experienced homebrew creator and player. Bear = Experienced DM of many voices. Ideally looking to join a campaign as players.
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Looking for tabletop gaming in the Totton/Southampton area. I love anything fantasy based but happy to try other genres.
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I’m new to DND but I’m looking forward to playing and maybe making some friends
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Interested in playing dungeons and dragons again after a 40 year gap! Obviously a complete beginner. Wondered if there were any groups I could contact? I live in Totton on the west side of Southampton
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