Listings in Andover
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Andover

Not played in a long will, but looking for DnD 5e Group to pick it up again. Also open to other board games or 40k
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D&D 5e player looking for new local groups and players to join our current game.
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Searching for a Party D&D
place for everyone interested in Dungeons and Dragons to come together and have fun! Whether you're curious about how the game works or if you want to find people to play with, this is the spot for you. Upcoming events include a D&D meetup at Aeronaut Brewing Company in Somerville, MA, and past events have showcased 24 gatherings led by the host Jonathan Dileone. There are currently 480 members in this group! This is the group to join for all things Dungeons and Dragons (D&D)! If you've been searching for someone to play the game with or just want to learn more, then come join us. There's a great upcoming event at Aeronaut Brewing Company in Somerville, MA: Beer and D&D—it doesn't get much better than that! Experienced players and newcomers are both welcome and it’s sure to be an event you won’t forget. There have already been 24 successful meetups, with 480 members coming together for D&D fun. So come on by and meet others who share your appreciation for the game!
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Somerville & Cambridge Dungeon World Group
ilo RiceRick FreonAndover Hanks [...] This group is for those living in the Boston area that would like to participate in the Dungeon World role-playing game. Dungeon World is an engaging story-focused game and easy to learn, even if you're a beginner. Whether you'd like to try a one-shot adventure or game campaign, you're welcome! All materials will be supplied, and we usually meet in Somerville; if not, another arrangement can be made. We've hosted many events in the past (10 total) and there are 110 members. So, if you're curious, come join us and find out what happens!
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Southern New Hampshire RPG
atelyn AlmeidaEric Samuels and 322 others Welcome to Southern New Hampshire RPG, where gamers new and veteran come together for Role Playing Games! Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, and any other type of tabletop RPG are all available for play. For those looking for a game or wanting to become a game master (GM), this is the perfect place to find players and game hosts. Our mission is to bring gaming enthusiasts in southern New Hampshire, and those from Northern Massachusetts, together in one community. Furthermore, we also want to help those who are interested in playing online RPGs to find friends with the same passions as them. Be sure to keep in mind that this is a game-only group and will not condone any type of role playing involving a sexual nature. Clocking in 8 years since moving to New Hampshire, from personal experience, I can guarantee you have plenty of opportunities to find the perfect game for you. If you've been thinking about joining our gaming community, come connect with us on our social media platforms, or signup through our primary websites. And for those who are 18 years and older, we welcome you to join us for weekly events - board games, card games, and Dungeons & Dragons - as we celebrate the fun gaming has to offer. If you've ever felt like you didn't fit in, 4GamerzByGamerz is the perfect place for you to feel accepted, no judgement included. "Gaming isn't just a hobby, it's a community" - 4GamerzByGamerz
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The Boston Dungeons & Dragons and Other TTRPGs Meetup Group
FOrganized by Denver LybargerAre you living around Beantown and enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons? Are you looking to meet other players? Then you should come to one of our meetings—all are welcomed! If you come, head downstairs and scan the RPG book racks for the meetup crew. Check out the upcoming events, too! Our last meetup had 24 people, and we have 3,797 members so far. Come join us!
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Boston Dungeons & Dragons Newbie Sessions
amuel S. and 801 others Come learn the newest version of Dungeons & Dragons, 5th Edition, in a friendly and accepting environment. Both experienced and new players are welcome! We will usually play one-session adventures made just for new players. Speak up, get to know the game, make new friends! You can either create your own character through D&D Beyond, or use the pre-made ones that each event description provides. Each session runs around 4 hours; please try to come on time and remember to update your RSVP. There’s more to find on the event page. Do you have no understanding of D&D? That's great! Many others at the Newbie Sessions are in the same boat. We’ll provide support the whole time to help you out. Can spectators join? Unfortunately, no, as they are largely disruptive and some players prefer to play without an audience. What races and classes can you play? This depends on the DM, but we accept anything officially published and playtested. Also, one-shots are standalone adventures - so it’s fine if you’re new or missed the previous one. Last, don’t worry if you’re not creative or bad at roleplaying - the DM is able to provide ideas if needed. For more information, check out our website, FAQs, Discord server, and past events.
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We are a welcoming set of gamers who typically participate in smaller skirmish games such as Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Mordheim, Frostgrave, Scrappers and Malifaux. If you are interested in joining us for larger games, such as Kings of War or Warhammer 40,000, just let us know ahead of time. We are happy to play board and card games as well, and always willing to try something new! Come out Tuesday from 7 until 10pm.
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