Listings in Basingstoke

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Basingstoke

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Fairly new to the DnD experience so looking for some chilled people to make friends and game with!!

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Heyy, I'm Kim and I'm Completely new too DnD, I've come up with a few characters and want to try them out in a proper session 😁

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Jack Fetch

Been playing for 40+ years and I've played a lot of different systems, I prefer rules light but not story games

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Gotrek Gurnisson

Looking to host WFRPG events and try GM'ing for the first time. Just need adventurers to explore the Old world

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The Gaming Den

The Gaming Den hosts regular events throughout the week, open from 6pm to 10pm (and 10am to 6pm on Saturdays). These events include board games (Monday), wargaming (Tuesday), Star Wars X-Wing (Wednesday), casual card gaming (Thursday), and Friday Night Magic (Modern and Commander) - all at the low cost of £3 per person. There are also more specialised events on Saturdays and Sundays, such as Sealed Magic and X-Wing tournaments. Sunday evenings have hosted the incredibly popular Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League. The store is in London Street, in the Top of Town area of Basingstoke, and features reasonable parking facilities, food and snacks, a variety of toilets, air conditioning, and enough room to fit up to 30 people.

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Meeple of Basingstoke

We are determined to give people a space to enjoy the latest hobby board games. Our atmosphere is warm and welcoming, so whether you're new to the hobby, seeking a fresh game to try, or just need a spot to play something you're already familiar with, we welcome you to join us.

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The Gaming Den

Come join us every Monday evening from 6pm to 10pm! You can either bring your own games or pick from our steadily increasing selection. Convenient parking is nearby, and snacks and beverages are available for purchase. Plus, the whole place is air-conditioned! It costs only £3 per person.

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Chineham Board Gamers

The two Saturdays of each month will be at 6 pm.

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Firestorm Cards Open Gaming Night

The Board Gaming Club is available to the public each Wednesday, starting at 5PM and going until late at night.

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See also