Listings in Fareham

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Fareham

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Added about 14 hours ago

1st Edition Marauder

Hi been playing a long time in 1st / 2nd edition AD&D hybrid games. Not really into playing later editions of the game. Wondered if there are players locally who are interested in playing early editions of AD&D.

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Added 17 days ago
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I know a little about d&d but would like to learn more and get involved with an in person group

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Looking for additional players to our dnd 5e group. We often play other rpgs as-well. Give me a shout if you want to join in.

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I played DND on tabletop simulator a few times, and I love baldurs gate games, looking to play some more table top games and meet some new friends in the process

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Hello! I'm hoping to join a D&D group. I've enjoyed playing 5E for several years, and I'm open to trying other systems or games too.

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I've played a variety of board games but no TTRPG experience yet. I have CRPG experience in D&D 2e, 3.5e and 5e. Really want to get into playing D&D in real life.

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