Listings in Havant

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Havant

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Added 7 days ago


Hola! Played DnD for two campaigns and looking for a new group to play with! Happy travelling nearby on a train :)

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Myself and partner are looking to play DND with a local group and meet new like minded adventurers in the mean time.

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Looking to play D&D, mtg and lorcana. Fairly experienced on all.

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I'm looking for a Pathfinder group in Hampshire that is LGBTQ+ friendly, anyone know of one?

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I'm looking for either an online or in-person TTRPG club that would be welcoming to a beginner!

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Chase B

Does anyone know of a Board game club for 20-somethings that meets in person or online?

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See also