Listings in Eastleigh
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Eastleigh

Used to play a homebrewed d&d unsure on version it was built from. Have been playing around with 5e dming for my kids but not properly played in years.
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Husband, father to 1… work odd shifts so need to find boardgame fixes everywhere we can! Wide range of games - mostly Euro games… up to 4x (Twilight Imperium) and story driven games like Stuffed Fables and Tainted Grail.. Looking to find more places to play - for myself, family (wife and 12yr old son) and our friends when they can too.
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Names kieran 33 years old. Looking to play some warhammer 40k as I'm just getting back into the hobby
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Eastleigh Games Club
We convene every Tuesday night from seven until eleven o'clock at the Railway Institute. We take pleasure in playing Euro Games, Board Wargames and Miniatures. Pop down on the initial evening and it won't cost a penny.
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