Listings in Merthyr Tydfil
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Merthyr Tydfil

I have no experience but would like to find a group that plays DND or similar tabletop games, the roleplaying and story building looks like a lot of fun.
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Tay (She/her)
Heya! My name is Tayleigh, or Tay if that's easier :D I've got a little bit of experience with DnD 5e, I recently finished a Wild Beyond the Witch light campaign, which was so much fun :D I get very invested in my campaigns, I love to draw little doodles of my character and the party and have been known to make custom discord emotes and draw the group, as well as crafting various pieces of jewellery or making in-character letters to other players :D for one character I even bought and customised a leather jacket to wear in-character! I get super into the story aspect of a campaign. While combat is always fun, and I tend to do best when there's at least one bit in initiative each session, I tend to get the most invested in roleplay and backstory, and I love getting to experience other folks' characters having special moments. I tend to play characters who are divine in some way, usually clerics; something about having a higher being and being able to go "daaaaaaaaad!! (Or mum depending on what dirty I'm going for) Help :(" when things go wrong haha I'm really excited to get back into 5e, I'll be away from my usual community for the next year and a half starting in may, so I'm hoping to make some new friends and feed the obsession while I'm back home in the valleys ^v^
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Lara D
"Hi all! I used to play board games a long time ago, and I'm looking to find a board game club - either online or in person - to pick it up again. Any suggestions?"
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Deloise M
Hi everyone, I recently moved to the area and I'm looking to find a friendly group of people to play D&D with, either in person or online - does anyone have any recommendations?
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Adrianne M
Looking for a new player for a D&D 5E game in Merthyr Tydfil or thereabouts - no homebrew systems.
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