Listings in Aberdare

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Aberdare

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I'm an educator and researcher at a local university, and when I'm not working, or outside camping or hiking, then I'm using playing D&D (or wishing that I was!). I'm a long-time DM and D&D player. I'm currently running a homebrew setting using 5e (2014) rules and am looking for one or two like-minded players to join the game (ages 25-50+). Feel free to get in touch for more details!

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I have a sma amount of experience in TTRPG and DnD5e. I would love to join an in person DnD or TTRPG group. Are there any about?

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Dungeons and Dragons 101 for players and game masters

ravel organizinglimited executive Board Dungeons and Dragons is having a huge resurgence in popularity, but the process of finding a group and simply learning the game can be difficult. This event is designed to take away that difficulty, creating a fun and straightforward atmosphere for everyone, whether they know the game or not. I have past experience running a similar event, and am eager to help hundreds of people make their first steps into this amazing game. Whether an individual or in a group, everyone is welcome; I especially invite individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ and those from diverse backgrounds. We have had 16 events, with hundreds of attendees, all over the world, and the organizer, Paul Nadin, is reachable for enquires.

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Chippenham Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Meetup

Zulrahh Are you interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons 3.5? All levels of experience from newcomers to veterans are welcome. Take on the role of any character, ranging from classic classes like Clerics and Mages to more obscure roles like Elves, Halflings, Barbarians, and Prestige Classes. We are based in the Chippenham area in Wiltshire, but we are open to travelling further afield, especially on weekends due to weekly work commitments. Let's get together, grab a bite to eat, and get the party going!

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Beginner Friendly Dungeons and Dragons

IS_9608 Participant · HostNiamh. O Participant · HostWill Hirons Participant · HostChanges Bristol members will be hosting a monthly Dungeons and Dragons event especially for those who are new to the game. It will cost £10 per person, or £7 for Changes members and volunteers. Supplies such as characters, miniatures, and dice will be provided, and you can reserve a spot by emailing There have been past events with a total of 11 and 8 attendees, so make sure to mail Elysia and book your space in advance to guarantee a spot.

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See also