Listings in Caerphilly
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Caerphilly

beginner with D&D, getting into tabletop gaming in general. Quite like strategy games - well, I enjoy losing them anyway!
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Caerphilly Board Gamers
In the vicinity of Caerphilly town, a board game gathering is held nearly every Friday night at the Old Library starting at 6 pm and lasting through the evening. All are welcome!
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Bette S
Hi there, I'm looking for someone in Mid Glamorgan who is interested in joining our Dungeons & Dragons game - no experience necessary!
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Hey everyone, I'm looking for a couple of players for a D&D game I'm setting up locally and I'm looking for an LGBTQ+ friendly environment. Are there any takers?
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Are there any fellow adventurers from Caerphilly or nearby that would be interested in joining a D&D game run by an experienced player?
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