Listings in Horsham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Horsham

Idkwhatnameto use
M19, new but enthusiastic, would like to join a local DnD group. Slowly getting to grips with how the game works and runs.
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Literally zero experience other than Baldurs gate. Will be useless im sure but can provide snacks and enthusiasm. And dad jokes. Need a group who can help me learn.
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I’m Graham, 32, living in Horsham. I’m a recently new dad and looking to get back out in the wild to socialise and play some games, hopefully on the regular. I’m familiar with D&D 5e (not played the new version yet) and last played a couples years ago. It’ll be great to find a DM or group to slot in. I might be able to bring a couple more players in too. Hoping someone can host as my flat is a bit too small.
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I have previously DMd 2 campaigns and have been a player occasionally too. I am new to Horsham and looking to make new friends and thought that finding a group to play D&D with might be a good start! If someone is looking for a player or even a DM please don't hesitate to reach out to me :). For personal details about me: I am 25, a psychology graduate, my favourite author is Kurt Vonnegut, and some people mistake me for being funny.
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Middle-aged fantasy fan, M51, straight. I haven't played since the 90s but familiar with 5e and now 2024 edition. Has been collecting lots of minis but not ready yet to DM. Would like an easy going group of adults to play with when my hectic life schedule allows
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New to Horsham, and just moved here. I am looking for new people to meet and have a good time playing dnd. Happy to be a dm or player. Very queer friendly and open to everyone. Also if it's in person I'll make cookies :0
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Andy W
I recently played D&D on holiday for the first time ans loved it, would certainly consider joking a group if there was one local….
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American living in the UK looking for his D&D fix. Comfortable DMing or playing, joining a campaign or starting a new one with a group of adventurers.
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