Listings in Arundel
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Arundel

I am looking for a gaming group in the Petworth / Chichester / Arundel area for a friend who is interested in giving roleplaying a try. He lives near Petworth. Would anyone be kind enough to supply me with information regarding gaming groups in these three areas. In the past have I have played and GM'd campaigns for Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Pendragon and Paranoia. Many thanks Nick
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Brighton Role-playing Games (RPG) Meetup
This group is open to everyone, and we play all types of RPG games from Dungeons & Dragons to indie storytelling games. No prior experience is necessary, and we have an active Discord community with current and planned games such as D&D, Monsterhearts, Pathfinder, Apocalypse World, Zeitgeist, Ten Candles, and more. Our aim is to run full campaigns, single adventures, and one-off sessions. You may also be interested in our boardgaming meetup as well as our summer Games Camp. Additionally, there is a Facebook group available for Brighton Role Players. Outlined are four games planned for February through April. We typically come together at 19:30, hang out, chat, play boardgames, and then roleplay at 21:00. We are a warm, friendly group who looks forward to welcoming new members. Furthermore, while we are not charging for the space, please make sure to clean up any mess you make.
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