Listings in Crawley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Crawley

M34 played D&D a few years ago and Gurps a few years ago too. Really miss it looking for games in Crawley and Horsham
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Im completely new to DnD, havent got most of the bits yet but ive been... well ive been having a hard time trying to connect with people and am hoping I can find Dnd groups out there that will be willing to take me in
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37 living in to DND looking to get some experience in the game and meeting people who play
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Brandon G
Heavy amount of experience in d&d and have DMed before, looking to start a d&d podcast or at least join a group as a pc
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Hey, I'm Jim! I'm looking for a localish DnD 5e group to join as a new player. Ideally, the group would have flexible timings as I work all manner of different shifts. All though new to DnD, I have many years experience of roll play games and breathing life into characters.
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Somewhat d&d player and beginner dm looking for a group to play with or a group that welcomes a beginner DM to run a campaign :)
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