Listings in Hassocks
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Hassocks

Older gamer back into rpgs via family, but now looking for more grown up group. Interested to learn, play , run or try anything really especially CoC, Mork Borg, Vaesen, WFRP, Stormbringer (less so DnD).
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Play CoC, Runequest, Traveller, Dune, Pendragon, Bushido, C&S, Stormbringer, etc
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Noriko W
I'm looking for a new D&D game either in person or online that has a lot of homebrewed content. Who's in?
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Hey everyone, I'm looking for a few players around West Sussex to join me in a game of Dungeons & Dragons; I used to play many years ago but it's been a while. Anybody up for it?
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