Listings in Dorchester
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Dorchester
Connie D
I’m a young adult looking to join an irl dnd group ideally near Sherborne, Dorchester, Bridport or Weymouth; I’ve played a couple of games online but am looking to join one in person to play properly ^-^
Sign in to contactKayleigh
I've never played table top RPGs before and a bit nervous to just show up at a game since I'm an old maid now and new to the area! Would love to know if there's anyone up for having a 30 something Welsh girl tagging along. No experience but lots of enthusiasm!
Sign in to contactJagoR05
I’ve played a few one shots and DM’d one of them, so looking to learn more. So far prefer playing to dming as I think it’s easier to learn that way.
Sign in to contactDorchester Board Games
We are a team of board game players located in Dorchester, England who gather together in our inviting pub once a week to play our favorites and exchange stories.
Sign in to contactAnonymous9255
Hello - I'm looking for a Pathfinder group in Dorset which is LGBTQ+ friendly!
Sign in to contactCarmine H
Does anyone know of a Pathfinder group near me or online that uses the official ruleset and not a homebrew system?
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