Listings in Dorchester

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Dorchester

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Added 20 days ago


Easy going semi retired 50 year old with time on my hands looking to get back into role playing games. Haven't played for about 25 years, used to play a lot of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play, Shadowrun and a bit of AD&D. Would really like to find a local group to get back into the hobby. Thanks.

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Connie D

I’m a young adult looking to join an irl dnd group ideally near Sherborne, Dorchester, Bridport or Weymouth; I’ve played a couple of games online but am looking to join one in person to play properly ^-^

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I've never played table top RPGs before and a bit nervous to just show up at a game since I'm an old maid now and new to the area! Would love to know if there's anyone up for having a 30 something Welsh girl tagging along. No experience but lots of enthusiasm!

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I’ve played a few one shots and DM’d one of them, so looking to learn more. So far prefer playing to dming as I think it’s easier to learn that way.

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Dorchester Board Games

We are a team of board game players located in Dorchester, England who gather together in our inviting pub once a week to play our favorites and exchange stories.

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See also