Listings in Blandford Forum
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Blandford Forum

Forever DM used to running D&D 5E, Savage Worlds/Deadlands, and a percentile-based homebrew RPG.
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I'm in my late 50s and whilst I've been playing videogame RPGs and some board games for about 30 years I'm very new to TTGs and would really like to get together with some like-minded individuals to explore more table top games. Very interested in DnD (though not experienced), Wrymspan, SW Outer Rim or just engaging games in general.
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33 year old guy looking for a nice friendly group to play DND with. I have experience with 5e but also up for just playing board games also :)
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Triple D - Dorset Dungeons and Dragons Meetup Group
We are a new D&D 5e group of both young and old, experienced and new players. We'll be playing on Thursdays in Motcombe near Shaftesbury. There are currently three players confirmed, needing a few more before we have session 0 to begin the campaign. Alex Mann is the organizer. We have had two past events and twenty members so far.
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