Listings in Amersham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Amersham

East London D&D
We are an East London-based meetup group that hosts Dungeons & Dragons, both online and in-person. If you are already experienced with the game or are new to it, we would be delighted to get you into a game! Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic we have adopted a combination of both Discord and Roll20 for our gaming. But when the situation becomes more manageable, we will be returning to doing our events in-person. The campaigns and one-shots will mainly be played in D&D 5e, but other variations are welcome. We use Discord to coordinate our members, so to get involved please sign up using the link provided. Upcoming events and past events can also be found via our Discord page, and we have 149 members ready to join you on your adventure.
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The Inn Between
Ten CitiesTalath KilielBorokahAmongst other things, The Inn Between is a LGBTQ community space for roleplaying and board games. At its core, it focuses on roleplaying games as its passion. This activity lets you explore yourself and your creativity in a unique way. Currently, they have seven D&D campaigns up and running. Each one is individually tailored and provides a highly immersive experience. You can come along and join a group! On Thursdays, from 7pm, board games nights take place, and you can come and play some classics as well as lesser-known titles. Events upcoming are displayed along with information on how to attend.
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Milton Keynes Role-Playing Games Club
Kevin WardJenny Archer and 748 more The purpose of the Milton Keynes Role-Playing Games Club is stated simply enough - it's a group based in Milton Keynes that plays tabletop, face-to-face role-playing games, like Dungeons & Dragons. Over an eight week period, they play various campaigns followed by a few weeks of one-off or short games. Meeting times are every Tuesday evening, from 8 pm to 11 pm at York House in Stony Stratford. The cost is £14 (£7 concessions) each month per person, but the first two sessions are free. This Meetup group serves mainly as a means of communication about the club - it was founded prior to Meetup's development.
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The Children of Dragons -London Game of Thrones Meetup
IG LEWISMemberKAREN MARKSMember Calling all Game of Thrones fans - the night you've been waiting for is nearly here! Come to the Prince Alfred on Marlborough Road to catch all the exciting action of Season 8 on our huge 100-inch screen. Drinks and food are priced specially for the occasion. Don't miss out on the epic conclusion to the series every Monday night. Check out our Upcoming and Past events to join in the fun and find out more!
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The London Warhammer Gaming Guild
See all The London Wargaming Guild (LWG) is committed to gathering wargaming enthusiasts of all levels in Central London. We host sessions for a variety of games including Warhammer 40K, Necromunda, Kill Teams, Fantasy, Horus Heresy, Age of Sigmar, Shadespire, Bloodbowl, Dungeons & Dragons, and more. Players of all levels are welcome, whether they're just getting started or experienced veterans. We organize regular gaming meetings, socials, and events. Our motto is 'Victis Honor!', meaning “Honor to the vanquished!”, and we foster fair play and friendly competition among our members. We'll match players fairly based on their skills and level of experience. Plus, follow us on Instagram @lwarguild! Join us today to be part of the vibrant wargaming community of over 2,000 active players.
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Hitchin and Beds Dragon Gong Journeys and Sound Bath Group
GTHU RESULTAdding... Dragon Gong Journeys is passionate about music, vibrations, dancing, movement, and meditation. We began in a music and dance setting and continue to utilize its power in our events. Our primary venue is the historical village of Pirton, Hitchin. We host larger village hall events and more private, intimate gatherings at our premises. Collaboration with other organizations is also a part of our mission. At our events, you have the chance to indulge in relaxation and enjoyment with a focus on mind and body wellness. Lie on a mat and let the sound of the gong drift you away into relaxation or meet other like-minded folk. Dragon Gong Journeys is there to facilitate your experience. You can find our events either at Eventbrite or directly with us via email. We look forward to you exploring the wonders of the gong!
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Dragons on the Hill
. Dragon's on the Hill is an RPG club in London founded back in 1983; it convenes every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM at The Plough 27 Museum Street, Bloomsbury. There is no fee to attend, but we encourage you to purchase drinks and food. It is an 18+ club open to everybody who is interested. Currently, DnD, Worlds without Numbers and Aliens are being played, but the group is open to a new gaming group. For more information, join our Discord.
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London RPG Posse
Student MeetupCedric Bernadac and 276 others We play roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons and our upcoming featured event is on November 4, 2023 at 1:00 PM GMT. It is entitled ‘The Unicorn's Tears' and is set in the homebrew world of Kireth. Players may expect city encounters, dungeon crawls, sea adventures, heists, and jailbreaks. All players, regardless of their skill level, are encouraged to join in. New players will begin at level one with a character of their choice, and their background story may be woven into the narrative. Additionally, there is an upcoming Star Wars event on October 7, 2023, and a fully booked D&D 5th Edition event on October 28, 2023. We have 277 members and invite all to join our group for roleplaying games.
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Dark Sphere Meetup Group
Dark Sphere runs a variety of casual and competitive events for various Tabletop Miniature Games, Collectible and Living Card Games, Roleplaying Games, and Board Games. Check out our event calendar for all the upcoming events we offer, and follow the link to our Facebook groups for further details. Additionally, the MTG Facebook group is a great way to get connected with other Magic players. Our events range from Magic: The Gathering Commander to Board Games Nights and everything in between - come by and join the fun!
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LAIRS | London Adventurers: Inclusive RPG Society
+614NH+19KC+17 Welcome to the London Adventurers: Inclusive RPG Society! We're a group of friendly and passionate tabletop RPG players who began as the "West London Dungeons and Dragons" meetup in February 2022. As our popularity and activity grew over a few months, we felt the name was no longer enough to adequately describe our group, so LAIRS was born! You can learn more about our mission and intent on this page (though note that the page will be moved soon due to new Meetup policies). Events occur every Tuesday from 7:00 to 11:00pm at the George IV Pub in Chiswick in the Boston Room. Our weekly Games Menu lists the games and tables available. For those wanting to play, please RSVP, follow the instructions in the menu, and message a member of the Leadership Team via Meetup with any questions or inquiries. To become a Game Master, message a team member as well. For those new to the hobby or who have never played an RPG, tips and resources to get started will be available soon. We hope to welcome and hear from all of you soon! May your dice rolls be filled with 20s!
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Welwyn Garden City Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Meetup
08GTCTCHJHAHCXLZDZGDetailsWe host Dungeon and Dragons (5e) and other versions, playing with light rules and emphasizing fun and creative ideas. Every person is welcome, regardless if they are a player, a Dungeon Master, a beginner, or someone who hasn't played in a while. Even those who have never played before can join - you don't have to be a "geek" to have fun with D&D! Upcoming events will have two groups of five people, with the possibility for more to join gradually. We had around thirty playing members pre-COVID. If you choose to attend please fill out the attendee form, as the fee for a session is usually five pounds (but can be less at times).
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Thwackers at Penthouse Playrooms
. Welcome to Thwackers, the new spanking and impact play event held monthly at KTX's (Kinky Tease Xtreme) events at the Penthouse Playrooms. The event is free for all attendees over 21, no matter if they are a couple or not. People can access the networking at the main event by registering through the provided link - with a guarantee of a warm welcome, zero judgement, and a safe space to explore those interests. All are encouraged to attend the dungeon, but voyeurs and those without a buddy may be asked to the bar area. There is a dress code of smart and/or sexy black clothes. There are lockers supplied, showers, a changing area, and absolutely no scat play, gum, cameras, flashing, or BYOB allowed - the house drink policy must be followed. Lastly, communication is essential, along with respecting 'no' and adhere to the universal safe-word of 'red'. More information can be found about Thwackers on the Kinky-Tease events page and the Penthouse Playrooms website.
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Queer Women D&D and Games (Dungeons and Dragons)
Are you a queer woman (lesbian, bi, pan, ace, trans, or non-binary) looking for an exciting gaming experience with like-minded people? If yes, this group is perfect for you! Join us now and come on a journey to play Dungeons and Dragons or other tabletop role-playing games. It doesn't matter if you have played before or are totally new to the experience, we welcome all! We also welcome GMs and DMs who would be interested in running their own games. We usually run D&D 5e one-shots, but we're happy to accommodate those running other TTRPGs as well. At our events, everyone can play around with free character creator apps like DnD Beyond and Roll20, and we also have pre-generated characters and other resources available. So, what are you waiting for? Join us now and have a blast!
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