Listings in Buckinghamshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Buckinghamshire

All listings in Buckinghamshire

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Vickydb (Marlow)

New to Marlow enjoy board games especially collaboratives and also RPGs again all kinds

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Inthall (Aylesbury)

Looking for other DND players and groups, online or face to face

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Alex (High Wycombe)

New to TTRPG but have always wanted to play DnD. Looking for a group happy to teach a 40+ newbie. I love playing board games especially Risk, perudo and rummikub, and enjoy escape rooms. I'm quick to learn and what I lack in skill I make up for in enthusiasm.

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AB (Milton Keynes)

Hey, have played a bit of DND but haven't played for some time and would love to get back into it.

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ItsSergeYall (Milton Keynes)

I want to start playing dnd sort of games with likeminded people :) I’m 36, gay and live in. Bletchley. Mostly a console gamer ( PlayStation, Xbox, switch and steam deck)

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Ash (High Wycombe)

29M, Easy going. Happy for online or in person DND. Looking for a fun/non-serious campaign.

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Ash (High Wycombe)

Hey! 29M Moved to Wycombe recently and looking to play some DnD. Currently playing one campaign fortnightly but just find myself wanting to play more! Would love to join a campaign or one shot. I'm laid back and happy to play online or in person.

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Violet (High Wycombe)

I have been playing dnd and running campaigns for 5 years now. Have just moved to the area so have dropped from running 3 campaigns and playing in 2 (all weekly) to nothing so feeling a little starved of some rpg experiences! Looking to join a group and happy to DM in future once I've written my next campaign! Would love to play in person if possible!

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Henzii (Aylesbury)

Just got into 40k looking for a place to play!

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shaun (Milton Keynes)

I am a easy going, 30 year old dad with a good sense of humour. Love all things geek and sci-fi. I'm LGBT friendly and play well with all. I usually play homebrew but have a little experience in most. Love to DM and play. Hi 👋

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Richard (High Wycombe)

Played dnd for good few years now, Looking for new group to join preferably in person but can do online too a group that doesnt take things to serious and is there for the fun and adventure not rules and regs

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Wil (Chesham)

D&D - PF2e & PF1e

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spooky256 (High Wycombe)

No past experience, but very interested in getting into tabletop games, mostly DnD. Looking for a group who doesn't take itself too seriously and is welcoming to beginners.

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Callum (High Wycombe)

Played in a group for two seasons, enjoyed it allot for the creative story telling. Looking for a group that doesn't take it self to seriously, and not overly focused on tactical gameplay, and is welcoming to newbies. (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+

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Lucius (High Wycombe)

30 years experience of various RPGs. Interested in serious role-playing with tactical play. Not looting or H&S. Most interested in D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, Star Wars, Shadowrun. Can play near Wycombe or Chalfonts.

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Ollie (Aylesbury)

Interested in trying out DnD, complete newbie though. I'm 23 from Aylesbury.

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Stuart (High Wycombe)

Hosting a game of DnD for 4-6 newbie players. Looking to run a campaign 'Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden' Experienced player/DM looking to bring more people into the game.

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JTG (Gerrards Cross)

Late 30s and looking to restart playing D&D or similar. Haven't played regularly for more than a decade now, just the occasional one-shot.

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Elliott (Chesham)

Former AD&D player in my yuff, want to get back into playing D&D. As I am wheelchair dependent, ideally need a wheelchair friendly venue.

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Mike (Aylesbury)

Looking to play DnD 5e but will try anything.

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