Listings in Worcester
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Worcester

Worcester Board Gamers (Wobog)
Since 2014, we've been gathering each Wednesday at King Charles House pub from 7pm to 10pm to play any game that our members bring or want to explore. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or are just getting started, we welcome you with open arms with many of us eager to teach you the ways of gaming. Along with plenty of great real ale and food, it's been a great experience.
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Postal Order Geek Meet
Come join us every Monday night for our weekly gaming club! We have all kinds of gaming available, from board games to card games and miniatures. Come hang out with us starting at 7 o'clock!
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Worcester Board Gamers (WoBoG)
Every Wednesday evening, come to the King Charles House address of 29 New Street, Worcester, WR1 2DP at 7PM and beyond.
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Gatherings for board game lovers in and around Worcester, England are held regularly. All kinds of board and card games are encouraged.
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Does anyone know of any local D&D groups that would allow me to DM a one-shot using the standard rules, without any homebrewed elements?
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Gov. J
I'm 16 and looking for a board game club in Hereford & Worcester - does anyone know where I can find one?
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Does anyone know of a Board game club in or around Worcester that is suitable for beginners?
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