Listings in Kidderminster
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Kidderminster

Added 10 days ago

Wyre Forest Gamers
We mainly focus on playing historical games, but we’re open to other kinds of gaming as well. There's always plenty of room for extra players, so drop in anytime! Our group typically meets once a month on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2 pm to 7 pm. Details can be found on our website – make sure to visit it for updates. We meet at St. Ambrose Parish Hall, located at Leswell St., Kidderminster, DY10 1RP.
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Kidderminster And Area Roleplayers
This is a community for those in the Kidderminster region who are interested in roleplaying games - whether you're already a player or just looking to try it out. We run regular gatherings every two weeks at Franche Community Church.
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