Listings in Walsall
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Walsall
Looking to get into dnd as a complete noob Huge on fantasy, warhammer and anime so I know a lot of the context! From walsall area but can travel anywhere in west mids!
Sign in to contactLonrir
I've played tabletop wargames in the past, boardgames, I'm a gamer. DnD has always been on my list of things to try.
Sign in to contactLeinsig
Previously played many tabletop games 20 years ago, now long to play something again. Currently whiling away downtime reading 5e DND source books, would love to have a game group.
Sign in to contactBrandon C
I'm a 21-year-old looking for a couple of players to join my local Dungeons and Dragons game - anyone interested?
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