Listings in West Midlands
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in West Midlands
All listings in West Midlands

James (Wolverhampton)
17yo with no experience looking to get into TTRPGs. I wanna try playing DnD, VtM and Cyberpunk
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Daryl (Dudley)
Long tone d&d player with most of my experience being in 5th edition. Now looking to branch out and try some different systems, particularly the cypher system.
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Ember (Birmingham)
I'm completely new to most if not all table top games but I would love to play DnD female 24
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Jim (Solihull)
I'd really like to give DnD a go. I've never played it before, but I'm really into fantasy and science fiction, and have read up on the game. I'm 40, which makes me a bit anxious to start, so looking for a chance to play somewhere near me.
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Charlotte (Birmingham)
I am a beginner but have previous experience in d&d, my first ever campaign unfortunately fell through fairly early on but I’ve been dying to get back into it! 23 she/her lgbtq friendly :)
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Minimanbeast10 (Birmingham)
Im a 20 year old uni student and have been GMing for around 7 years, i have played a variety of systems in a variety of genras, personal favs include lancer, heart, and especialy Kult 4e. Im looking for a party who would an enjoy a gritty story, but can put up with stuttering and slight pauses. I am free everday aside from monday and tuesday from 3
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Gavin (Birmingham)
No experience really but interested in learning and hopefully making some new friends along the way.
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Ant (Tipton)
Middle age man seeks D&D gamers close to his home. Other roll playing games are good to. Also like tabletop wargaming but not 40k
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Phoenix88 (Solihull)
I have been playing D&D for a year now, but not very often, and only homebrew one shots. I would like to play more often and would love an opportunity to try out the DM role occasionally.
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Arwen0fMiddleEarth (West Bromwich)
I have no experience but have always wanted to play, I am a young adult.
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Tom (Solihull)
I used to play a lot of role playing in my youth mostly D and D and Traveller. Looking to join a friendly local group in Solihull area
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