Listings in Wallingford
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Wallingford

I've only played a couple of times a few years ago. I'm basically a beginner but am eager to learn.
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Wallingford Boardgame Society
Every other Wednesday and Thursday at 6:30 PM, come to take advantage of the large tables, good lighting, and a bar where you can celebrate your victories or console yourself over defeats (for a small fee to cover the cost of £20 for the room rental each time). Free parking on-site is available.
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Shela W
I'm 21 years old and looking for a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition game in the area - anyone know of any good ones?
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Hi everyone! I'm brand new to D&D and I'm looking for a couple of other people to join me for a game in Oxfordshire - if anyone's interested then please let me know!
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