Listings in Oxfordshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Oxfordshire

All listings in Oxfordshire

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Added 7 days ago

dodohjk (Oxford)

I am 34 Italian Scottish cis man. I never played but I would like to try DnD. Let me know if you are looking for an extra player. Thanks, Riccardo

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gastella (Oxford)

I'm a 37-year-old living in Oxford for the past 2.5 years. Looking for a team to play D&D

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Sienna (Oxford)

Looking to play dnd for the first time! New to Oxford so would also like to meet new people

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Lauradee (Witney)


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Katie (Didcot)

Hello! Me and my friend were recently being introduced to DND 5e, and have played a few sessions now. Unfortunately our campaign has had come to an end as our dm could no longer facilitate which we are gutted about. We would love to be able to keep playing, and so if anyone is in need of players then please message! We are happy to join a new campaign or an already established one :)

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Don't give up (Oxford)

I play tabletop games and card games for fun

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Never give up (Oxford)

I like playing tabletop games and card games for fun

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MDFROSH (Oxford)

I Like Playing Tabletop game and Card Game For Fun

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Muidex (Oxford)

love playing tabletop game and miniature game also board game

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Mdfrosh_art (Oxford)

Am Looking Forward To Play Warhammer 40k And Miniature game also tabletops game and Board Game

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SL (Oxford)

DnD player around Oxford

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Dan (Wantage)

Long-time TTRPG player of various systems. More experience as a player than as a GM, but I'm currently running a Pathfinder 2e campaign and looking for players interested to play or learn Pathfinder 2e to start another campaign.

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there’s a duck in my house (Oxford)

looking to play dnd for the first time!

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Dan (Wantage)


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YangInThere (Wallingford)

I've only played a couple of times a few years ago. I'm basically a beginner but am eager to learn.

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ljm_mo (Abingdon)

Hey, i've been playing different tabletop games since about 2020. I'm mostly playing dnd and differenr savage worlds settings but i'm always open to try new ones. I prefer being a player and I'm looking for short campaigns or oneshots because I'm just here until January :)

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Francis (Bicester)

Hi, I'm Francis and as I've just moved back to the area having been traveling with my family I've just turned 40 and have always loved sports and games I'm looking to carry on being playful but without smashing my knees! I have very little experience with board games above the usual family Christmas favourites, but I'm keen to learn. Look forward to hearing from you.

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Alcarohtare (Banbury)

Complete beginner at DnD - tried one campaign but struggled as had to DM! Really want to learn and happy to join any groups in Banbury. I've played some 40k and enjoy lots of board/tabletop games as well.

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Tim (Oxford)

I am new to D&D but I am keen to get started with some in-person games, either as a player or a DM!

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Hawkster (Oxford)

Have been playing D&D 5E for the last 4 years. Currently DMing an online game for friends, so am keen to get some in-person, non-DM gameplay in, too!

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