Listings in Oxford

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Oxford

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Added 28 days ago


I am new to D&D but I am keen to get started with some in-person games, either as a player or a DM!

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Have been playing D&D 5E for the last 4 years. Currently DMing an online game for friends, so am keen to get some in-person, non-DM gameplay in, too!

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Currently running homebrew 5E for friends and family, would like to DM for a small group on more home-brew campaigns or run an adventure on an existing campaign book within 5E lore

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I have been playing TTRPG's for about 5 years. I have played a variety of systems. I am happy to play nearly any system, I like more charter and roleplay-focused games. Intrigue my favorite game style but believe fitting with the group dynamic is most impotent for having a good time.

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Oxford University Roleplaying Games Society

Society offers different kinds of LARPs, from latex-based variants, White Wolf experiences, home-brewed activities, and several tabletops. We are actively seeking other roleplayers, so please reach out to us for more information.

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GamesCafe Oxford UK

This is the BoardGameGeek Guild, a welcoming community for those who come to the Oxford (UK) GamesCafe or other local spots on a bi-monthly basis. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, and patrons play board games, share conversations, have some refreshments, and unwind. We invite any new members to join - just head to our Facebook page to make a request.

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At Sixes and Sevens

A small group of friends who come together frequently to play games and catch up.

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Oxford Gaming Club

Oxfords oldest fantasy tabletop wargaming club meets every Monday from 7-10pm. We offer gaming mats and terrain, so all you need to bring is your army! We play popular games such as Warhammer 40K, Horus Heresy 30k, Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, Kings of War, and Warmachine. If you want to reach us, please leave a message on our Facebook page, or join our forums.

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Oxford Outriders

We get together every Wednesday evening in the upstairs area at The Wig & Pen on George Street starting at 6:00 PM, with entry restricted to those aged 18 or over. There is a five pound fee for each night that is used to cover the cost of the venue and any new scenery that needs to be acquired. You don't need to pay if you don't end up playing! Additionally, spectators and friends are also welcome to join the gathering. We'll be playing various games, including Warhammer 40k/30k, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, SAGA, Bolt Action, and Necromunda/Shadespire/other Games Workshop favourites.

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See also