Listings in Wallasey
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Wallasey

DnD Player and GM, prefer games that are theatre of the mind and not always using minis or maps.
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Ms. M
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a D&D group to join who would be open to me DMing a one-shot in person or online, and I'm also looking for a group that would be willing to incorporate homebrew content into our game.
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Felton N
Hi everyone, I'm new to the area and was wondering if anyone knew of any D&D games or groups in the area that might be open to new players? I'm looking to join a fun game and make some new friends.
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Cedrick U
Hi, I'm new to this area and I'm looking for players to join my 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons game, either online or in person - interested in making some new friends!
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