Listings in Liverpool

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Liverpool

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Hi! I'm running an in person Wild Beyond The Witchlight campaign based in Liverpool for beginners over 18. It's going to be full of fey shenanigans so expect silliness though there will still be plenty of room for serious character roleplay. This is my first time dming a full campaign rather than oneshots so you'll have to have the same patience I'm having for you as this campaign is open to all including total newbies. It'll be starting in January in the week starting with the 20th and will be played fortnightly. Session dates will be voted on to best fit people's schedules. We have 5/6 players so spaces are very limited, however if you are interested,  i would be happy to keep a note of your interest and message you if a spot comes avaliable. I am also happy to allow late joins. We have a discord server which you'll be invited to if your a good fit for our trip to the carnival.

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I'm new to RPG's and looking to try some out

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Callum Garvey

Warhammer 40k

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casual 40k, maybe 30k, only played one game of 40k this year, need to learn basics as it takes me ages to play

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40k, 30k, WHFB, Old World

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James Hutchinson

Son of founding member Graham Hutchinson

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See also