Listings in Epsom
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Epsom

Billy Haines
Dm for many years since I was 12. I’m now 38 and I am looking for a new group of committed players. I have a homebrew version of d&d easy to teach (and as we go) I’m looking to run an adult game. So if you are sensitive this might be an issue. I am or from Epsom I live in bookham Surrey. Also happy to travel
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Billy Haines
Long time d&d Dm been play in a Dm roll since I was 12 I am now 38 and have had many groups over the years happy to travel for a committed group, if need be.
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New to DnD but have played a few TTRPG style games before! I’d love to learn to DM but am currently just looking to be a player.
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I’m a long time gamer dad in my 30s, have only got interested in TTRPGs recently. Have not played a lot, just a D&D one-shot with siblings, but have got a bit obsessed with Chaotic Neutral on Youtube and particularly the Call of Cthulhu games. I’m looking for groups to try out a few games of Cthulhu as a player, and work up to Keepering a couple. I love the mystery element, the talking and characters (vs D&D combat), and the flexibility of the format.
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I'm Joshua, in my early 30's and looking to join some local in-person roleplaying games, as either one-shots, mini adventures or a longer running campaign. I've played D&D 3.5 (in-person) and currently in a few on-going 5th edition games online. I also DM a 5th edition game online fortnightly on Sundays. Hoping to get some exposure to other game systems, and meeting new people that enjoy tabletop roleplaying.
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Epsom local
Very limited experience, looking to learn to play D&D/table top rpg games
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