Listings in Camberley

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Camberley

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I've been playing TTRPGs for the last 5ish years after getting invested in Critical Role's second campaign. Most of my experience is in D&D 5e but I've also played a little Pathfinder 2e, GURPS, Savage Worlds, and Star Trek Adventures. I've also GM'd various campaigns, a couple of which were long running. I really enjoy campaigns with a more of an emphasis on roleplay and collaborative story telling but I do also love a classic dungeon crawl from time to time. Happy to play or GM.

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Hey I'm new to the scene in the sense I've not played any DND or RPG games irl. Played a lot online and watched people play etc. I really want to join a DnD group or an RPG. I love games like Skyrim and also really love Warhammer (fantasy and 40k) I've only painted models so far but want to get into playing.

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Veteran gamer, 30 years +. Grew up playing DnD, but after discovering HP Lovecraft in my early 20's, mostly been playing on and off an offshoot of CoC for the last 20 years. Looking for a f2f game close-ish to me, happy to try any game/system. Cheers,

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See also