Listings in Yeovil
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Yeovil

Enjoy board games, recently tried d&d and would like to join a group to play more and meet new people.
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Used to play and miss it. Grew up playing and want to get back into d&d
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26, Have been playing DnD fairly regularly the past year or so, good with technical stuff so caught on the rules fairly quickly. Prefer playing but could DM for newer players. Looking to play more in person. 5e 2024 ruleset.
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Looking to get back into Tabletop games, D&D and whatever comes my way. I'm 31, and want to make some new friends
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i’m 21 and have no real play experience but i am DYING to find a table to play at. have been listening to actual play podcasts for a while and love it so would love a game to join!
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My name is jake I'm a 23 year old who loves all things ttrpg and board games Looking for friends in the yeovil area as me and my wife are thinking of moving to yeovil Online dnd 5e preferred
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New player with no experience, seen some campaigns online and interested in trying it out for myself as it seems very fun
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My husband and I would love to join a game. We're both mid 20s and don't have local friends. I'm a beginner, he's played quite a bit and DMS a mini game for myself and friends we rarely see, but he'd like to play too. We'd love it if it's possible to bring our dog along sometimes. He's a super friendly lab and we don't like leaving him alone for more than a couple of hours. As he's used to being around me constantly (assistance dog) We'd like to be in a classic fantasy game. Maybe with a fun twist, but we're happy with a classic game. I know 5e best, but I don't think it matters which edition we play, as long as we get on with the people.
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