Listings in Taunton
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Taunton

Friendly and polite, looking for a new group to play DND 5e with, whether in person or via maps/rolld20
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29 year old always wanted to play d&d definitely seems like it would be my thing
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Taunton Board Gamers
For the last few months we have been having a great time at the Wyvern Club on Fridays from 6:30 pm to 11:30 pm. There are a range of modern games for you to join in, from Euros to dexterity games and thematic too. If you'd like to try it out, we offer a free sample session. Once you decide you want to come back, the cost for the room rental varies depending on how many people attend, usually costing £3 - £5 per person. Alternatively, you can join the Wyvern Club and enjoy a discount on food and drinks.
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