Listings in Wrexham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Wrexham

Covert Womble
Experience Dungeon Master & Miniature Painter. Looking to run Games of a High Adventure! Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, Lord of the Rong role playing Game. In person mature 18 plus age range.
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Melting Pot Games Club
Friday at 7PM is when various games will be scheduled among players one week in advance. This club is open to all players no matter their age, however the parent or guardian of anyone under 15 is in charge of looking after them. A variety of games such as Munchkin, Chez Geek, Mordheim, Space Hulk, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Necromunda, Gork-morka, Banana, Risk (various types), and lots of RPG's will be available.
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Are there any experienced Pathfinder players in Clwyd looking to start a new campaign?
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Hey there! I'm looking to join a Dungeons & Dragons game in Clwyd that emphasizes homebrew content - any ideas?
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Hi all! My existing D&D group is looking for a new player to join us in Clwyd. We're experienced players looking for someone who can dive into the game and accept a challenge.
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