Listings in Spalding
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Spalding

I'm an avid player of board games and card games. I love worker placement, engine building, deck building etc. I'm equally happy with light or heavy games, strategy or family games. I don't like area control and I'm not really a fan of dungeon crawlers. I have a curated collection of about 100 games and I'm looking for like minded people in the Spalding area to play with and possibly to set up a board gaming club.
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Looking for a group to play D&D with. Pretty knowledgeable of the rules but haven't been a player in a while.
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Spalding Wargames Club
This is the perfect place for adults to come and socialize while playing dice games. All types of gaming systems are allowed. Your first session is free, but after that members can join for £3, non members £4, or get a quarterly membership for £5. The session is every Wednesday evening from 7:15 – 10:45pm at the Vista Hall.
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