Listings in Sheffield
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Sheffield

Looking for an in person d&d game to play in also happy to host providing i can still play
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South Yorkshire Kill Team
The most popular, most organised Kill Team community in Yorkshire. Playing online or in person at The Outpost in Sheffield or Hobby Workshop in Barnsley
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Sheffield Board Games
The Sheffield Board Games club meets each Tuesday night from 7 pm until late in the upstairs room of The University Arms (located at 197 Brook Hill, Sheffield S3 7HG). They also gather on the first Sunday of each month at The Red Deer (18 Pitt Street, Sheffield S1 4DD) beginning at half-past noon, and typically stay until early in the evening.
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Crookes & Crosspool Tabletop Gaming
This summer, we set up a tabletop gaming group at the well-known Crookes Social Club in Sheffield's Crookes district. We offer gaming sessions on Thursday nights from 6 pm - 11 pm in the lounge. There's plenty of free, close-by parking or a five-minute walk from the 52/52a bus stop. All ages and types of games are welcome, from wargames and board games to science fiction, fantasy, and quirky card games! Attendees of the club enjoy a variety of games; there's something for everyone at this group. It's free entry, but all participants should purchase at least one beverage from the bar.
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Sheffield Wargames Society
Sheffield's longest-running Wargames club invites you to join in the fun! Participate in a variety of historical and non-historical figure games, board games and role playing games. Join an average of 20-30 fellow gamers on Wednesday evenings at 7pm and enjoy up to 7 different games.
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Steel City Wargaming
Friday from 6 o'clock in the evening until 10 o'clock at night.
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Sheffield And Rotherham Wargames Club
Our club, popularly known as The Gimps, meets every Thursday evening at Farm Road Club behind Silver Blades (the old ice rink). We're based in Sheffield and enjoy playing different kinds of wargames and boardgames. Anyone is welcome to join us – no matter your experience! We're not sure what The Gimps stands for anymore, but the mystery just adds to the fun.
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