Listings in Maryport

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Maryport

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Looking to get into dnd and trying to put together a group if possible

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Hi mate, I'm new to dnd and have been looking for a group to get in with, and it's convenient to be in the same local area

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Ageing Elf

Hi, been playing AD@D for over 40yrs. My last group just folded after 10yrs playing as a group. Definitely getting withdrawal symptoms. Is anyone interested in forming a new group? would also need a DM as its not my forte. With thanks.

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Looking for some experienced D&D players interested in an extra-challenging game in my local area.

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Hi! I'm looking for a friendly D&D group near Maryport who will let me DM a one-shot since it's been a while since I last played.

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Rev. G

Hey everyone, I used to play D&D a while ago but haven't in a while and I'm looking for a group in or near Maryport willing to let me DM a one-shot - thanks !

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See also