Listings in Kendal

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Kendal

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Added 28 days ago


new to D&D, But I have played a lot on PC and enjoy the rich story lines that are created, hoping to play some D&D and escape this world

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42 year old veteran of DnD, Call of Cthulhu, and a little of a lot of other ttrpgs, looking for a group to play a game with on a regular or semi-regular basis. Open to running games for a group

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Durham Dungeons & Dragons 5e Meetup Group

GWe are a group dedicated to running a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign on Monday nights at my apartment in Oshawa. The group welcomes people who enjoy spending time in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, particularly those from the Durham region to cut down on travel time. Participating is free, though we often do potluck-style meals to keep the mood up. This group is not affiliated with any businesses and is connected to another DND 5E group in Oshawa. Come get a taste of D&D if you're looking for weekly gaming! Past events have included the Realm of Tides Campaign with 1 attendee at both 6:30 PM EDT on August 23, 2021, and 7:00 PM EDT on August 16. Vlad and one other are the organizers. Currently, there are 34 members.

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Monday Oshawa Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Group

G.Our team is centered around a Monday night campaign that we plan and prepare ourselves. Every week our world of fantasy, thrill and sailing awaits us! We have done fifteen events in the past, like the Realm of Tides Campaign and Session 11 - Millenium Campaign. It's an amazing atmosphere and would love to have more join, so come on out! -Vlad.

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Dice & Bolter

This gaming club is created and managed by game enthusiasts, and we meet once a week in Levans, a scenic town near Kendal. We play tabletop games such as 40K, Age Of Sigmar, Kill Team, Badgers & Burrows, role-playing, and board games.

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Kendalian Crusaders Tabletop Gaming Club

Greetings, fellow Crusaders! We are now hosting sessions twice a month in the area. If you're a fan of Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, or any kind of board game, we have activities for everyone. Come join us and find other like-minded people.

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