Listings in Kirriemuir
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Kirriemuir

Kirriemuir Wargames Club
Our club focuses on a wide range of historical figures, from eras including ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Horse and Musket Period, Napoleonics, and World War Two. Not only that, we also actively involve board gamers and fantasy/sci-fi wargamers as members, and are even open to one-off wargaming sessions. We meet on different Friday nights and Sunday mornings/afternoons (the times are 7-10pm and 10am-4pm, respectively). To learn more, please visit our website -
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Hi all, I'm new to the area and looking for a D&D group and/or friends to play with. Any thoughts on where I can find a game around here?
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Hi, I'm looking for a couple of people to join me in playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons in Angus. I used to play a while ago but haven't for a while, so I'm looking for a few new players to get the game started again.
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